2019 HKUST Workshop on Industrial Organization

June 11-13, 2019
Department of Economics, School of Business and Management
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Conference Venue: Lee Shau Kee (LSK) Business Building, HKUST

Registration - Non-presenter/non-HKUST member

The 2019 HKUST Workshop on Industrial Organization is to be held during June 11-13, 2019. The event is hosted and sponsored by the Department of Economics at HKUST. All attendants must register the conference and pay the registration fee (HKD1500) by filling the link: https://ust.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4UfzocabUVVY0E5.

The registration fee covers all meals and refreshment for three days. Please register by Mar 31, 2019. The invited presenters, student helpers, and session chairs are automatically registered.

The conference hotel reservation is also through this link. Please reserve hotel by Apr 4, 2019.

Note: All participants (except for invited speakers) are responsible for own travel and accommodation.