2019 HKUST Workshop on Industrial Organization

June 11-13, 2019
Department of Economics, School of Business and Management
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Conference Venue: Lee Shau Kee (LSK) Business Building, HKUST

HKUST's Economics Department is honored to host the 2019 HKUST Workshop on Industrial Organization. We are extremely lucky that eleven distinguished IO scholars have kindly agreed to present their research at this year's IO Workshop.

Confirmed Distinguished Speakers (alphabetical):
David Myatt CV London Business School
Jeremy Fox CV Rice University
Juuso Valimaki CV Aalto University
Martin Pesendorfer CV London School of economics
Roland Strausz CV Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sandro Brusco CV Stony Brook University
Simon Anderson CV University of Virginia
Steve Tadelis CV UC Berkeley Haas
Xavier Vives CV IESE Business School
Yao Luo CV University of Toronto
Yongmin Chen CV University of Colorado Boulder

The full list of confirmed speakers can be found through the Program link when it becomes available.

This exciting two-day workshop is fully funded by the Department of Economics and organized with the support of the Center for Experimental Business Research. This year, the organizing committee consists of Yangguang (Sunny) Huang, Kohei Kawaguchi, Yuk-fai Fong, and Xinyu Hua. In case of any questions, please contact Sunny (huangyg@ust.hk) or our assistant, Julie Wong (fnjuwong@ust.hk).

We hope to see you in June!

Warm regards,

Sunny, Kohei, Yuk-fai, Xinyu